Beware those pesky racoon and protect your pies because everyone wants to ge their hands on some Berried Treasure (by Restoration Games). This is a set collection card game with quite a bit of stealing going on, so put on your competitive gloves and get ready for the gloves to come off!

In Berried Treasure, players play 3 rounds of drafting cards from the bakers rack in hopes of having the best sets (majority of each color) at the end of the round when scoring occurs.

Each round a different scoring card is shown, so in one round Lemon Pies might net you the most points, while Blueberry Pies are the least desirable. However, cards will be carried over to future rounds, so collecting those Blueberries early might give you a leg up when a new scoring card dictates them as the most favorable.

Players take turns drafting a card from the Baker’s Rack, only able to access the top card, but you can see what you might be freeing up for other players.
Cards showing “MOAR” allow you to immediately take a second card (if possible) of the same color from the available cards in Baker’s Row.
Cars showing Paws on them allow you to steal from another player the same color card type up to the amount of paws shown on the card. So there will be a lot of back and forth stealing.
The most interesting part about scoring is that tied players cancel each other out. So two players with 3 yellows each get no points, and the remaining player might only have 1 yellow and get all it’s points. Things can get devious when stealing cards, because even if you may be able to take 3 cards, you could choose to take 1 card knowing it will make your opponents tied with each other.

Berried Treasure is a treat to look at and has a clever take-that aspect making it great for competitive players. If that’s the type of player you are, this Pie is perfect for you.