Splendor Marvel
Splendor is one of my favourite games. It’s also one of our 8 year old’s favourite games. So when I saw a Marvel retheme I was obviously excited.
Let’s explain the basic Splendor game first, in case you haven’t played it. Then I’ll point out the differences.
Goal: You want to be the first to reach 16 points by gaining cards in your tableau, with points on them, as well as some bonus tiles for having a certain combination of cards.
Your turn is very simple. Either take some gems OR use them to buy a card. When taking gems you can take two of the same color or 3 different colors. You use these gems to buy a card with the required gems listed on them. Placing this card into your tableau, it now acts as a permanent gem of that color giving your a discount when buying future cards. As you gain more cards, you have easier access to buy the higher tier cards that require many more gems and are often worth more points. So essentially, you are slowly building yoru economy to make it easier to buy high valued cards. In addition, instead of buying, you can reserve (without paying gems) to take a card into your hand for future purchasing (you also get a bonus wild token). Great for securing a card for yourself, or taking a card coveted by another player (but that would be a jerk move, Jenea!).
At the top there are 4 bonus tiles that don’t require gems to buy, but instead require to have a certain combo of cards in your tableau (ie. 4 purple and 4 red cards). First person to achieve those will claim the bonus tile.
First to reach 16 points will trigger one last round of turns and player with the most points wins.
In the Marvel edition there are some changes.
Firstly, to win the game you need the green gem that is only given if you have purchased a tier 3 card. This forces you to go for at least one high level card (something you didn’t have to do in the original game).
Secondly, there is a new bonus tile that is held by the person with the majority of Avenger symbols on their cards. This can switch to another player if they later gain more symbols than you.

Our Thoughts
Why do I love Splendor so much? It’s an elegant example of perfectly designed game mechanics.
We love the simple options on each turn, take gems or pay gems. So straight forward.
We love the fast turns. You will often hear someone say “my turn already?”, “but I just went”. It keeps people engaged throughout.
We love how our cards give us discounts on future buys. It’s so satisfying to see yourself build your tableau and buy big cards without needing too many gems.
We love how it’s always close. Almost every game ends with someone saying “oh man, I was going to end it on my next turn!”. Very rarely is a player so far behind the others. Which I think is a testament to the solid design of the underlying mechanics and balance of cards.
Splendor is a game every house should own. But should every house own Marvel Splendor? Only if you love Marvel. Which we do. We love the small changes.
We love the requirement to get a green gem by collecting a tier 3 card. We have seen many games win with a player focusing on level 1 and 2 cards. This forces them to reach further and we like that.
We like the avenger bonus token moving from player to player as people gain more avengers tokens. It’s another thing to consider when buying a card. A player could look like they will end the game but then have the token taken from them just beforehand. It adds a new dynamic.
Does Marvel replace Splendor? No. Splendor is such an elegant design which gives it lasting power. The additions in this edition are small and welcomed, but not necessary. Also Splendor has an expansion that adds plenty of added complexity for those who need it. We love the theme of Marvel Splendor so it is a keeper for us, especially since we know the theme might lure other kids to try it out … more so than gem merchants.
Special thanks to @asmodee_canada for gifting this to us for review.