Iron Forest :: Board Game Preview
Get ready to battle in this multi-level game using the Ice Cool system (from Brain Games) coming to Kickstarter tomorrow! Will you be team Animal Clan or team Iron Force?

Players form 2 teams controlling 4 mechs each to compete in one of the various unique scenarios of the game. A scenario sheet will tell you the set up and unique rules and objectives to complete to win. Team Iron Force starts in the sky city while team Animal Clan starts in the forests below.

Although each scenario plays very different, some with additional components, the basic mechanism stays the same. On your turn, you draw from your team deck to see which mech will activate, then you move with it (flick or launch). Once more you draw a card and activate the indicated mech. So on each turn you’ll have two mech activations. Then the other team will do two of their own. Back and forth until someone completes their objective.

Movement can be a flick of the mech, or launching it to reach the upper level. As you flick your mech through passage ways or falling from the upper level through holes in the ground, you may hit opposing mechs.

Hitting a mech gives them damage (flip over their card to indicated damage). You then gain an item card as a reward. These cards give special abilities that you can use on your turn (such as heal, or take another flick). Hit an already damaged mech and they will leave the game, heal up, lose items and come back on their next activation.

Various scenarios play very different, some are about getting items, some about causing damage, even some use dice on the board that can move around.

Iron Forest takes Ice Cool and adds a bit more tactical strategy and ton more variability to the gameplay, while keeping the same flicking fun that made Ice Cool so popular. It’s a must have for anyone who has enjoyed Ice Cool. Check it out on kickstarter now!